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    Friday, December 15th, 2023
    Harry Clarke – The Colloquy of Monus and Una

    The Crawford Art Gallery in Cork has acquired The Colloquy of Monus and Una, a pencil, ink and watercolour by Harry Clarke, which made €70,000 at the James Adam sale of Important Irish Art in Dublin earlier this month. The colour plate illustration for a 1923 edition of Edgar Allan Poe’s Tales of Mystery and Imagination is the first addition to the popular Harry Clarke collection at the Gallery in almost a century. Two other illustrations from the same series, ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ and ‘Marie Rogêt’, were purchased in 1924 alongside over 20 other pieces by Clarke. The acquisition brings to 27 the number of Clarke artworks in Crawford Art Gallery’s collection, including the three earliest examples of his stained glass work, which were conserved in 2023 with Heritage Council support. It is now on display at the Crawford.

    This is the second Harry Clarke piece brought into public ownership in weeks. The National Gallery announced this month that it had acquired a rare Clarke stained glass piece, Titania Enchanting Bottom (1922). It is undergoing conservation treatment and will be on display in the New Year. The luminous stained glass panel was sold by Morgan O’Driscoll last October 24 for a hammer price of €160,000.


    Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

    Planning permission for an important redevelopment of the Crawford gallery has just been granted by Cork City Council.. The project has been designed by an interdisciplinary design team led by Grafton Architects, and is being delivered by the Office of Public Works and Crawford Art Gallery. Catherine Martin, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media has welcomed the decision. The project is being funded by her department. The gallery will remain open to visitors until the Autumn of 2024 after redevelopment will commence on-site. 


    Sunday, October 16th, 2022
    JMW Turner – The Canale della Guidecca, Venice, 1840

    Visual treats for art lovers in Ireland right now include Turner playing with light at the National Gallery and Corban Walker playing with perspective at the Crawford.

    Turner: The Sun is God offers visitors a rare opportunity to see 89 artworks from the Tate Collection in London never before displayed in Ireland. Oil paintings filled with dramatic contrasts of light and dark and highly impressionistic weather effects abound in a must see exhibition which runs in Dublin until February 6. These marvellous paintings were created half a century before Impressionism. The show covers a range of themes including memory, imagination, nature, light and atmosphere. 

    A wonderful collection of Turner watercolours are displayed by the gallery every year in January.

    As far as I can see is the title of a show by the internationally acclaimed Irish artist Corban Walker at the Crawford Gallery in Cork until January 18.   The artist, who is around four feet tall, is known for installations, sculpture and drawing that relate to perceptions of scale and architectural constructs.  At the Crawford his distinctive  sculptural and installation works  in the Gibson and Long Room galleries  disorientate and reorientate perceptions. Part of the Pace Gallery stable in New York he has just joined Solomon Fine Art artists in his native Dublin. 

    Corban Walker – Grid Stack 1


    Saturday, August 6th, 2022
    George Mounsey Wheatley Atkinson – Naval Steam Frigate moored off Queenstown (with Haulbowline in the background) 

    Links to Titanic and Lusitania are just one part of the extraordinary history of Cork Harbour.  There is still time to catch a glimpse of just how deep and wide that history is at the Port of Cork Collection exhibition at the Crawford Gallery which runs until August 28. Last November’s donation of unique maritime artworks from The Port of Cork to the gallery consists of 17 maritime paintings, a 1912 ships register referencing both Titanic and Lusitania, an illuminated address to Charles Stewart Parnell and a silver Admiralty oar from 1686.  Art by George Mounsey Wheatley Atkinson (1806-1884), Henry Albert Hartland (1840-1893), Robert Lowe Stopford (1813-1898) and Sean Keating (1889-1977) offers insights into the operations of the port down through the years.


    Tuesday, December 21st, 2021

    Rembrandt in Print at the Crawford Gallery in Cork until January 9 offers a rare opportunity to see 50 of the finest works from the collection of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. Hailed as the greatest painter of the Dutch Golden Age Rembrandt was one of the most innovative and experimental printmakers of the 17th century. This touring exhibition shows him as an unrivalled storyteller with prints dating from 1630 to the late 1650’s.  They are displayed here together for the first time. Opening hours over the Christmas period are extensive.

    Rembrandt van Rijn – The Rat Catcher (1632)


    Saturday, February 29th, 2020

    A Mountainous Wooded Landscape with figures gathering wood by Cork artist John Butts comes up at Sotheby’s sale of 44 Fitzwilliam Square, works from the estate of the late Patrick Kelly in London on March 18. It is estimated at £20,000-30,000. The talented artist, who died aged only 37 in 1764, worked as a teacher in Cork where his pupils included James Barry and Nathanial Grogan. He moved to Dublin around 1757 and worked predominantly as a scene painter. A comparable painting by the artist, Poachers: View in the Dargle, is at Tate Britain.  In a letter written after his death James Barry described him as … “an unfortunate man, who with all his merit never met with any thing but cares and misery, which I may say hunted him into the very grave. His cast of genius was very much that of Claude’s, whom he resembles without any imitation more than anybody that I know of”.  His View of Cork is one of the most popular works in the collection of the Crawford Gallery. 

    JOHN BUTTS – A Mountainous Wooded Landscape with figures gathering wood


    Saturday, August 31st, 2019

    The relic of a human heart is to be part of a floating art installation honouring migrant peoples in Cork. Heartship – a new project by artist Dorothy Cross featuring singer Lisa Hannigan – will celebrate the contribution of the Irish Naval services to the humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean.  On Saturday September 14 the LE James Joyce will sail up the River Lee to Cork from Haulbowline.  The lone occupant visible on deck will be Lisa Hannigan and the recorded sound of her ethereal voice will emanate from the vessel. Discovered encased in lead in a  crypt in Cork in 1863 the heart belonged to a person unknown. It was acquired by General Pitt Rivers, then stationed in Cork, and became part of the extraordinary collection of artefacts housed in the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford. “Heartship has been haunting me for the past three years” Dorothy Cross said “wishing to honour the many hearts of migrant people who disappear below the ocean surface and lie unnamed on the sea bed”.  Renowned film maker Alan Gilsenan will work with Cross to create a film to embody Heartship. This will be screened at The Crawford Gallery. Previous projects by Dorothy Cross include Ghostship, a lightship painted with phospherous paint moored for three weeks in Dublin Bay in 1999 where it glowed in the dark each night. 

    Dorothy Cross with Capt. Brian Fitzgerald of the Irish Naval Service.


    Monday, February 18th, 2019

    The Canova casts at the Crawford Gallery in Cork.

    Restored Canova casts have gone on display in a re-vamped setting against a blue ground at the Crawford Gallery in Cork. The casts were a gift from Pope Pius VII to the Prince Regent, later George IV, as thanks to Britain for returning masterpieces looted by Napoleon. The Prince gifted them to the people of Cork in 1819 and about a dozen of the original gift survive today.

    Among them is a cast of the Apollo Belvedere, busts of Jupiter and Socrates, the goddess Concordia and Laocoon and his sons.  The casts have long been on display but they were conserved over the past two years by Eoghan Daltun in a project funded by the Heritage Council.

    Crawford Art Gallery Director Mary McCarthy says the gallery is seeing an unprecedented period of growth with over 230,000 visitors last year. She said the casts are much loved in Cork and nationally and she is very confident that people will come back to see “the old friends”.  A 22 million capital investment programme is to begin at the gallery soon.


    Saturday, February 6th, 2016
    The work of Cork born Regency period portraitist Adam Buck (1759-1833) is celebrated in an exhibition now on at the Crawford Gallery. One of Regency England’s most sought after portrait painters he worked in Cork and Dublin for 20 years before moving to London in 1795.  There he immediately gained a roster of star clients including the Duke of York and his scandalous mistress Mary Anne Clarke.

    The second of four surviving children Adam was born to a family of silversmiths in Cork. His younger brother Frederick (1765-1840) became an established miniature painter who worked in Cork.  The Adam Buck exhibition is a distilled version of the exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford last year entitled: An Elegant Society: Adam Buck, an artist in the age of Jane Austen. It contains works from the National Gallery of Ireland, the Royal Collections Trust and the Crawford Permanent Collection.  A monograph publication written by Peter Darvall will accompany the exhibition which is at the Crawford until April 9.

    (See post on for July 17, 2015).

    Adam Buck - Mary Anne Clarke by statue ©Private Collection.

    Adam Buck – Mary Anne Clarke by statue ©Private Collection.

    Adam Buck - First Steps ©Private Collection

    Adam Buck – First Steps ©Private Collection


    Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

    Still Life, c. 1959 © Norah McGuinness. Courtesy AIB Collection.

    Still Life, c. 1959 © Norah McGuinness. Courtesy AIB Collection.

    The first major exhibition of Irish art in London for 30 years opens today at The Mall Galleries. Featuring over 70 works from 1900 to the present day it draws on the collections of paintings, photography, tapestry and sculpture from the AIB Collection and the Crawford Gallery in Cork.

    Works by open air painters Aloysius O’Kelly, Sir John Lavery and Roderic O’Conor are represented, together with the ‘Dublin Painters’, Sean Keating, Jack B. Yeats, Paul and Grace Henry. Artists who celebrated the Irish way of life, like Harry Kernoff, as well as other experimenters who embraced new styles and themes, including Mary Swanzy, Mainie Jellett and Norah McGuinness, also feature. The contemporary scene is represented with major works by Louis le Brocquy, Colin Middleton, Sean Scully, photographer Willie Doherty and Royal Academician Hughie O’Donoghue. Younger emerging artists such as Shane Blount and Caroline McCarthy demonstrate the strength and depth of Irish art today.

    The Art of a Nation runs until May 31.