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    Sunday, July 3rd, 2016

    Masterpiece continues to draw the crowds in London.  Over 5,000 guests attended on the first public day and daily numbers are continuing at close to this level. The premier fair reflects at a very high level the cross collecting taste that is now so fashionable. At Masterpiece you can take your pick.  There is everything from a monumental fragment of a standing male statute leg and feet at Axel Vervoodt and the Louis XIV walnut Os de Mouton sofa at Rose Uniacke to the 1966 Rhthme Couleur by Sonia Delaunay at Helene Bailly Gallery and Graham Sutherland’s Study of Sir Winston Churchill from 1954 at Christopher Kingzett. This is a rare preparatory sketch for a portrait that was considered so unflattering that it was destroyed.  Royal Bank of Canada continues as the principal sponsor of Masterpiece.  Exhibitors continue to report sales across a wide range of disciplines.  Masterpiece continues until July 6.

     Monumental fragment from a standing male statue Leg and Feet on base Roman 2nd century A.D. Courtesy Axel Vervoodt

    Monumental fragment from a standing male statue Leg and Feet on base Roman 2nd century A.D. Courtesy Axel Vervoodt

    Sonia Delaunay Rythme Couleur 1966 Courtesy Hélène Bailly Gallery

    Sonia Delaunay Rythme Couleur 1966 Courtesy Hélène Bailly Gallery

    The Louis XIV Walnut ‘Os de Mouton’ Sofa France c1730  Courtesy Rose Uniacke

    The Louis XIV Walnut ‘Os de Mouton’ Sofa France c1730 Courtesy Rose Uniacke

    Graham Sutherland Study of Sir Winston Churchill  1954  Courtesy Christopher Kingzett at Masterpiece, London.

    Graham Sutherland Study of Sir Winston Churchill 1954 Courtesy Christopher Kingzett at Masterpiece, London.