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    Thursday, May 26th, 2016
    Xavier Bray

    Xavier Bray

    The noted curator Dr. Xavier Bray, whose appointment as next director of The Wallace Collection in London has just been announced, is a Ph.D graduate of Trinity College, Dublin. He is currently Chief Curator at the Dulwich Picture Gallery.  Dr. Bray, who was born in 1972 and holds British and French citizenship, was guest curator of the acclaimed Goya: The Portraits exhibition at the National Gallery in London, where he began his career as assistant curator.  He worked for one year with Sotheby’s.

    He has curated and co-curated a number of exhibitions, which include: A Brush with Nature: The Gere Collection of Oil SketchesAn Intimate Vision: Women ImpressionistsEl GrecoCaravaggioVelazquez, The Sacred Made Real: Spanish Painting and Sculpture 1600-1700Murillo and Justino de Neve: The Art of Friendship and most recently, Goya: The Portraits.

    Xavier Bray said: “The Wallace Collection is one of the most distinguished collections in London, and a place where one can enjoy an intimate relationship with great art. I am tremendously excited and deeply honoured to be taking on the role of Director of such an august institution. I look forward to working with the staff in continuing and expanding its role as a national collection”.


    Sunday, December 19th, 2010

    The Canadian Mona Lisa is a moniker that has been applied to Tom Thomson’s  The Jack Pine (1916-1917) pictured on the left. It is one of many paintings that will brighten up the 200th anniversary celebration at London’s Dulwich Picture Gallery in 2011.  To mark the anniversary the gallery will exhibit twelve masterpieces from around the world, one each month. Included are works by Velazquez, Vermeer, El Greco, Veronese, Rembrandt, Ingres, Van Gogh, Gainsborough, Constable and Hockney.  The main summer exhibition will focus on work by Nicolas Poussin and Cy Twombly. In October the gallery will show Thom Thomson and the Group of Seven, 20th century  landscape painters seeking to find the language of the Canadian wilderness.
    The gallery was set up in 1811 when Sir Francis Bourgeois left a newly established collection to Dulwich College.  He and his business partner Noel Desenfans were asked in 1790 by the King of Poland to form a royal collection from scratch. During the five years they devoted to building it the King was forced to abdicate and the independent state of Poland ceased to exist.  So a boys school in south London became owner  of a national collection of old masters with no nation to claim it.  The gallery became independent from the school in 1994.