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    Thursday, October 7th, 2010

    THE Crosby Garrett Helmet sold at Christies for £1.28 million.

    An exceptional survival from Roman Britain, discovered by metal detector in Cumbria in May 2010,  made £2,281,250 at an antiquities sale at Christie’s, South Kensington, London on October 7.  The Crosby Garrett Helmet, dating from the late 1st-2nd Century A.D., is an extraordinary example of Roman metalwork at its zenith.  No less than six bidders chased it, three on the telephone, two in the room and one via the internet from California. It was bought by an anonymous telephone bidder.

    This is one of only three Roman Cavalry Parade helmets complete with face-masks to have been discovered in Britain.  The Ribchester Helmet, found in 1796, is in the British Museum and the Newstead Helmet, fond c1905, is in the Museum of Antiquities, Edinburgh.