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    Brian Maguire – Rainforest 7, 2023. Image courtesy the artist and Kerlin Gallery

    An exhibition by Brian Maguire at Triskel Christchurch in Cork runs until September 30.  Entitled Then I laid the floor it is a collaboration with James Concagh (Sao Paulo) and Robert James Heishman (Chicago).  Brian Maguire explained: “In 2022 James, Robert and I convened in Brazil to embark on a project called The House That Valdemar Built. This centres on a deep engagement with the self-built family home of James’ in-laws in the Jabaquara community on the outskirts of São Paulo. The aim of our meeting was to produce works that told the story of one specific family who have been discriminated against because of their migrant status of being from the Northeast of Brazil.

    The exhibition’s title Then I laid the floor comes from Heishman’s film where Valdemar speaks about the original foundation and construction of his favela house. Each brick laid and floor added to the favela home of Valdemar and Valderci is a symbol of self-reliance out of necessity. It is this that Maguire, Concagh and Heishman’s respective artistic practices aim to accentuate, translate and express through a visual narrative of this family’s story that is emblematic of the spirit of their larger community.

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