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    Thieves stole priceless treasures from Dresden’s Grünes Gewölbe early today. The Green Vault houses one of Europe’s largest collection of treasures.  At least three priceless 18th-century diamond jewellery sets were stolen, the General Director of Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Marion Ackermann said. The material value is low, the historic and cultural value is impossible to gauge she added.

    There is speculation that the jewel sets, with 37 parts each, may be broken up for re-sale. They are too well known to be sold legally. The sets are reported to include rubies, emeralds and sapphires. The collection was created in the 18th century by Saxony’s ruler, Augustus the Strong. One of the most valuable jewels normally housed there, a 41 carat green diamond, is currently on show in New York.

    The museum’s power supply was affected by a fire before the break-in. The energy supplier said it was investigating if the two events were linked. Police said power failure plunged the entire area into darkness, making video analysis difficult. Two thieves were seen on camera entering through a window and later escaping in a vehicle. Police said there may be more people involved.

    The Green Vault at Dresden.

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