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  • Mac Liammóir watercolour and early photos from Shannon Airport

    A watercolour signed and dated by the actor Micheál Mac Liammóir (1899-1978) is one of the more unusual lots at the auction by Matthews of Oldcastle, Co. Meath on October 28 at 6.30 p.m.  Lady of the Theatre with Red Hair is a 1942 work by the impresario and artist who was co founder of the Gate and one of the best known actors of the Irish theatre.  It is estimated at 700-1,000.  The sale also feature books of Irish historical and journalistic interest from the collection of the late Arthur Quinlan, the Limerick based journalist who died aged 92 in 2012.  Mr. Quinlan covered Shannon Airport and there are various files and photos related to the airport with original photographs including his interview with Fidel Castro.  There are over 600 lots and the catalogue is online.

    Original black and white photographs of aviation interest including Shannon (50-80).

    Original black and white photographs of aviation interest including Shannon (50-80).  UPDATE: THIS MADE 440

    Micheál Mac Liammóir - Lady of the Theatre with Red Hair.

    Micheál Mac Liammóir – Lady of the Theatre with Red Hair.  UPDATE: THIS MADE 680

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